A Bit About Me

Hello! I am Vickie and my attention definitely has differences. I knew this about myself and knew I probably had ADHD because I was a special education teacher. I did have some education on the subject but not much. In the education world it is viewed more as a behavioral issue than neurological condition. I knew the accommodations and modifications. I did not think much about it in relation to myself. Then, just before my 60th birthday life got hard and I decided I must be developing early onset Alzheimer's. So, I made an appointment with a geriatric psychologist. Not Alzheimer's thank goodness but ADHD. Since then, I have discovered how this neurological condition affected me and my life. I have since received medical and therapeutic help to overcome the overwhelm and shame of having this condition. I have read books, studied reliable medical research and learned about the ADHD brain, ADHD characteristics, and treatments. I used this to make changes and now my life is not so hard. I want to help others get past the shame and overwhelm. My passion is for others to know this is a neurological difference not a behavior problem or a character flaw. I am certified as a Speed of Life Decluttering Coach and Transformation Life Coach.
I am also retired now and am available to help parents of children with any type of disability learn to advocate for their child in the educational system.