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Coaching Services
Services can be combined to meet your needs.  
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Adult ADHD 

Are you completely overwhelmed and feel like you are drowning?ADHD impacts adult life in all areas. The difficulties navigating work, family, home and other adulting responsibilities can be overwhelming.

Have you ever wondered why you can't get things done like the people around you? Maybe it is because your brain doesn’t work like theirs. When I finally accepted this I was able to get things done better than ever. I do not follow strategies and tools others have created for other people in the exact way they do. I take the valuable information they provide and piece it together to fit me.  I am not a one size fits all person. Neither are you. I can help you find your own unique way to a better functioning life. 

Declutter and Organization

Clutter overwhelm is a huge obstacle when you have ADHD as well as anytime you have some thing going on in your life such as an illness or big change. Depression and anxiety set in and you just can't get it all together. You read all the books, try the strategies and just can't get it done.

I have found a way that works for me after many many years of struggle and shame. I found the Speed of Life Method and it worked so well I went through the training and am now a certified coach. Plus I've learned how to organize my space to fit my life.  I can guide you through the method without judgement. I will not think badly of you because I have been there. You do not have to worry about opening your door for me! I know the shame and enbarassment, personally. I want you to feel good about yourself and your home!


overwhelmed woman throwing hands up surrounded by dirty dishes, piles of paper, dirty laun

Early Childhood Intervention



Special Education

General Education

I.D.E.AElgibilityAccomodationsModificationsAssessmentsGoalsObjectivesInclusionLife SkillsAssistive TechnologyAdaptive P.E.Committee Meetings

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Educational Advocate

When your child has a disability of any type, physical, mental, or medical life is hard. Just the term disability discounts all the wonderful things your child can do. You have so many things to learn and understand. The educational system should not feel so complicated. As a retired special education teacher, I want to empower you to be a valuable and heard member of the committee making the decisions about your child’s education. I want your child to have the most valued voice by self advocating to the best of their ability. 

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